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Welcome to the fascinating world of Proformica nasuta, a unique species of ants known for their intriguing behaviors and distinct characteristics. In this product description, we'll delve into the general information about these ants, offering insights into their care and housing requirements for enthusiasts and hobbyists alike.

Proformica nasuta

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  • Proformica nasuta stands out among ant species for its slow growth and the presence of both minor and major workers within its colonies. Major workers serve a remarkable role, functioning as repletes capable of storing food within their gasters, akin to the function of honeypots. Notably, queens of this species are ergatoid, meaning they are born wingless, while males traverse colonies in flight, fertilizing new queens. Typically nesting in shallow soil, particularly in coastal areas, these ants boast fascinating social structures and behaviors that captivate enthusiasts.

  • Food: These ants are not picky eaters and readily accept a variety of foods, including crickets, mealworms, sugar water, and honey. However, it's crucial to ensure any wild-caught insects are sterilized through freezing or boiling to prevent the introduction of mites, which can harm the colony.

    Humidity: While not requiring high humidity levels, it's essential to maintain adequate moisture levels by hydrating the nest semi-regularly, approximately once a week. Providing an external water source, such as a test tube within the nest, ensures the ants have access to hydration as needed.

    Temperature: Proformica nasuta thrives at room temperature, making it convenient for enthusiasts to maintain suitable conditions for their colonies without extensive temperature regulation.

    Hibernation: During the months of November to February, these ants undergo diapause at temperatures ranging from 10-15°C. It's crucial to mimic natural environmental conditions during this period to support the health and longevity of the colony.

    Sting/Bite: Unlike some ant species, Proformica nasuta does not possess stingers or exhibit biting behavior, making them a safe and fascinating option for enthusiasts seeking low-risk ant species.

    In summary, caring for Proformica nasuta offers enthusiasts a captivating glimpse into the intricate world of ant colonies. With proper attention to their unique requirements and behaviors, these ants can thrive, providing endless fascination and observation opportunities for hobbyists.

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